What Are You Stitching?

25th March 2022

We did mention how popular turtles were as a subject for embroidery, didn’t we? We’ve featured several turtle projects in Inspirations publications recently, and they always prove to be a hit. We don’t know what it is about these adorable creatures that make them so popular, but here are a few more wonderful examples of turtles imagined in needle and thread.

Kathleen Weston

‘I already knew that I was going to order the book, A Passion for Needlework 3 | Blakiston Creamery, but when I saw Jewel of the Sea, I couldn’t get my credit card out fast enough!’

‘I named him Quincy and I found that working on him was very therapeutic. It was one of the most enjoyable projects that I’ve worked on in years.’

We’re so glad you enjoyed working on this project, Kathleen. It certainly captured the heart of many. Quincy is gorgeous. You’ve done a spectacular job in finishing him and you’ve chosen the perfect setting for him to be displayed.

Nicola Cordingley

‘I have admired Georgina Bellamy’s work for a good while so when this kit came out through Inspirations I couldn’t resist. It was a little different doing three dimensional goldwork embroidery, but the instructions were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.’

It’s a magnificent finish, Nicola. You’ve really captured his expression and the colouring is fabulous. You should be very proud.

Therese Desjardins

‘It was such a pleasure stitching Tiny Turtle from Inspirations issue #110. I fixed it on a light beige cotton fabric and used a cheese cloth for the sea broth. I added little corals as sea elements that I picked up on an island near Okinawa, Japan.’

‘I added a few beads to fix the cloth, plus two embroidered starfish at the left bottom and a little embroidered shell on the top right. I tried to give it the look of water retreating towards the sea.’

You’ve really made this project your own, Therese. It is beautifully unique and exquisitely done.

Henrietta Gotts

‘I was encouraged to send you my interpretation of Susan Casson’s Tiny Turtle after seeing the work of others.’

‘Instead of using sand I painted the linen background and then attached tiny shells in lieu of the starfish. I added beads to the French knots for the line of foam. Two of my friends who have real pet turtles love it!’

It isn’t surprising they love it, Henrietta! We love your interpretation and we’re sure he takes pride of place on your wall.

Do you love stitching turtles? Or is there another animal you simply cannot resist? Have you seen projects completed here in the What Are You Stitching? segment and been inspired to stitch them yourself, or show us your version of them? 

Whatever it is you’re stitching, we’d like to see it. Send us a picture of your work with a bit of information about your stitching journey to news@inspirationsstudios.com

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