Tied in Knots by Maria Rita Faleri
6TH SEPTEMBER 2019 - ASU #202
We’ve talked about knots before. We’ve talked about whether they should be on the back of the work or not, and we’ve talked about knotted stitches. And what about those knots that seem to form, no matter what you do, halfway through your stitching?
You know the ones – if you pull them just right they come out straight away, but if you pull too hard the wrong way, well, there isn’t a lot you can do.
Or worse, the knot which you don’t even realise has formed until you turn your work over to finish off your thread and – whoops! there it is. Unpick? Or leave it there? Either way, it is frustrating.
So, what if we told you that we want you to make knots? Lots and lots of them!
You can knot away to your heart’s content knowing they’ll all be put to good use to create fabulous textures in ‘Tied in Knots’ by Maria Rita Faleri from Inspirations issue #103.
We don’t know about you but seeing all these different knotted tassels reminded us of some wonderful elements found in nature, such as coral, berries and seedpods, which are as intricate as the knots themselves.
There is something cathartic about knotting your thread again and again, perhaps because it’s something we all so studiously avoid doing.
And who would have thought that knotting so strategically and carefully could create such amazing things?
Tied in Knots offers three projects to choose from. The Onion knot tassel is formed with simple overhand knots snuggled together to create seed-like bunches. Then you have the Turk’s head knot tassel – a project requiring a little more skill as the knots are worked over a piece of dowel. Through a combination of knotting and turning you produce berry-like clusters which are sewn together and adorned with a magnificent bead.
FROM LEFT: Capuchin, Turk’s Head and Onion knot tassels
Finally, the Capuchin knot tassel should satisfy those lovers of the bullion knot. This structure is made up of free-standing bullions which cluster together in starbursts beneath the carefully woven top.
While Maria has suggested the use of specific linen threads to create these particular designs, once you have mastered the technique there is nothing to stop you trying different weight threads and different colours. We’re sure you’ll achieve fabulously different results! Yes, there are quite a few steps to these tassels and yes, they require some careful work, but they’re guaranteed to produce no end of comments when you take out your keys.
Many of us learnt the half hitch, granny knot and sailor’s knot in Girl Guides or Scouts, knots which we probably use on a day to day basis still. But wouldn’t Girl Guides have been so much more fun if we’d been allowed to work these little beauties?!
You’ll never look at knots the same again after completing one or all of these wonderful tassels. Even that pesky loop knot on the back of your work will carry its own special charm.
Make Your Own Tied in Knots
Step 1 – Purchase Project Instructions
Tied in Knots by Maria Rita Faleri is three highly-textured Italian tassels made with linen threads.

Printed Magazine
Inspirations Issue 103
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Digital Pattern
Tied in Knots - i103 Digital
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Printed Pattern
Tied in Knots - i103 Print
Shop NowStep 2 – Purchase Ready-To-Stitch Kits
The Inspirations Ready-To-Stitch kits for the Capuchin and Turk’s Head Knot Tassels include everything you need to re-create these fabulous tassels: Felt balls (Capuchin Knot Tassel), ceramic bead (Turk’s Head Knot Tassel), thread and needles.
Please Note: To cater for flexibility in purchase, instructions are not included with our kits. For step-by-step details on how to create this project, please refer to our magazine or printed/digital patterns.

Tied in Knots: Capuchin Knot Tassel - i103 Kit
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Tied in Knots: Turk’s Head Knot Tassel - i103 Kit
Shop NowStep 3 – Expand your collection
If you love ‘Tied in Knots’ why (k)not expand your collection of knotted tassels with the project ‘Fruit of the Vine’, another design by Maria Rita Faleri from her family of knotted tassels.
This pair of charming tassels captures the appeal of a luscious bunch of grapes using a range of knotting techniques.
Fruit of the Vine is part of our Handpicked collection with instructions available to purchase in print or digital.

Printed Pattern
Fruit of the Vine - HP Print
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Digital Pattern
Fruit of the Vine - HP Digital
Shop NowReady-to-Stitch kits are available for both the red and white varietals.