Superb Fairy Wren by Trish Burr
21ST MARCH 2025 - ASU #468
Do you dance?
It’s often hard to tell if someone is a dancer as appearance and personality are not always reliable indicators. We’re not talking about being a professional dancer here, we’re just talking about being a social dancer, or maybe even a private dancer.
The idea that you can move your body in a rhythmic way and create a motion that syncs in time with music is to some an awkward concept to be avoided at all costs, especially in public.
To others, dancing is the most liberating and beautiful expression of self as they totally lose themselves in the enjoyment of choreographed movement.To others, dancing is the most liberating and beautiful expression of self as they totally lose themselves in the enjoyment of choreographed movement.
The one commonality amongst us all, however, is for the most part we all enjoy watching other people dance. It’s often highly entertaining and makes you feel good seeing other people having fun.
This week we’re featuring a guy who takes his dancing very seriously. In fact, he has a whole outfit that he wears to ensure that he gets a lot of attention as he dances with passion and purpose.
His name says it all – Superb Fairy Wren. In this stunning portrait created by Trish Burr and appearing in The Handpicked Collection 4, you get to appreciate just how beautiful this charming little bird is.
Trish has captured his striking plumage, his delicate light-footed stance and even his intensity perfectly, thanks to all the intricate details she has included right down to the glint in his eye.
Worked in her signature Whitework with Colour technique, Trish brings this charming little bird to life with subtle gradation and meticulous shading. The snowy white plumage is punctuated with the gentlest tints of blue, creating a luminous effect that captures the wren’s natural elegance.
In mating season, the male superb fairy wren gets ready for his big performance by first undergoing a dramatic colour change. His brown feathers make way for eye-catching electric blue and black highlights as his head, back and tail shines with iridescent cobalt blue.
When it comes to dancing, this little guy has all the right moves.
To woo a potential mate, the male engages in an elaborate courtship dance that starts with a petal presentation, gifting a brightly coloured flower petal that he carries in his beak to his suitor.
Next there is a fabulous song with a series of high-pitched trills as he flitters and hops around the female.
For the grand finale, the young female is treated to the famous ‘flick and wing flutter’ move as he vibrates his tail and flutters his wings in an excited, energetic display in a gallant attempt to seal the deal.
Now that you know the back story to this guy, take a moment to study this piece anew as you admire just how well Trish has captured all that energy, all that passion and all that pomp and ceremony using her needle and thread.
You can just feel him bristling and filling his lungs getting ready to jump right out of that frame and deliver his dance of a lifetime.