Summer Crochet Fashion
15TH FEBRUARY 2019 - ASU #173
Go on, admit it. Somewhere in the deep dark past, you had a crocheted bikini. Completely impractical for swimming (we don’t need to imagine where it would end up if you dived into a pool) but totally fashionable at the time. Nevertheless, I bet you thought it had (rightly) been relegated to history. Not so it seems…
A crocheted two piece (source)
Our revived love of crochet may see a revival of that crocheted two piece bikini, along with a whole range of crocheted fashion that may or may not make our talented forbears proud.
Crochet is once again adorning the models on the European catwalks.
We love that crochet has once again become fashionable, however just because it can be crocheted, doesn’t mean it should. Just go and do a search for crocheted shorts for example.
Men’s crocheted pants – Fashion of Faux Pas? (source)
I’m sure you’ll join us in celebrating the rise of fashionable crochet, but also hoping that some crocheted garments remain firmly in the closet!
A-Z Crochet
Whether you’re looking to make a bold fashion statement or just a humble doily, you can’t go past A-Z of Crochet as the ultimate resource guide to learn and master this hugely popular technique.
Every stitch you’ll ever need along with simple instructions and easy to follow photographs are all included. Great for beginners or experienced stitchers wanting to expand their repertoire. Patterns for crochet bathers or zany coloured pants not included, sorry!