Stitching for a Cause
4TH NOVEMBER 2022 - ASU #355
Jodi Bager has found a cause close to her heart and is plying her talent with needle and thread to make a difference.
R – Jodi’s Scarf Design
World Elephant Day was co-founded by Patricia Sims to help raise awareness and ignite action to save elephants from extinction. Celebrated on the 12th of August each year, World Elephant Day now celebrates partnerships with 100 elephant conservation organisations globally as well as the participation of countless individuals the world over as they express their concern for the plight of elephants through acknowledgement of the day.
Jodi was commissioned by Patricia in February to produce a piece of embroidery that will be printed on silk scarves to be sold as a fundraising initiative for next year’s World Elephant Day.
Jodi has certainly taken the commission to heart, producing an original piece that measures 90cm (35”) square. At the time we received Jodi’s email, she had been stitching for six months, anticipating there was another five months with needle and thread before her.
If you’d like to follow Jodi’s journey, over the coming weeks and months she is going to ‘rewind’ and share everything from her original drawing ideas, transfer process, colour and stitch choices as well as revealing the sections of the embroidery as they’re completed.
To find our more, you can head to Jodi’s website where you can join her Mailing List to receive World Elephant Day scarf updates. Alternatively you can follow her on Instagram where we even spotted her stitching Centre Stage by Di van Niekerk!
Jodi knows what she’ll be wearing next World Elephant Day and hopes you’ll be wearing one too.