31ST MAY 2019 - ASU #188
We’re all experiencing a change of season.
For those of us in the southern hemisphere, we’re reacquainting ourselves with our winter woollies and are trying hard to remember not to leave home without our umbrellas just in case they’re required. While those living in the northern hemisphere are tucking the same items away in the back of their closets until they’re needed again.
It may be that you’re looking forward to this seasonal change, or perhaps you’re trying your best to hold on to the season just past. The truth is, there’s beauty to be found in every season, it’s just that depending on your seasonal preference, there are times you’ll have to dig a little deeper to find it!
The thing about seasons, however, is that they’re always changing.
The same is true with our seasons of life and needlework. You may be in a season of life where your time with needle and thread is squeezed in between bottle feeds and sleep times. Or, you may be burning the midnight oil after a long day at work to ensure you make some stitching progress, even if it’s only to lay a stitch or two. You may, however, be fortunate enough to find yourself in a season of needlework bliss where your time is answerable only to the stitching that beckons.
Whatever season you find yourself in, remember that if you dig deep enough there’s beauty to be found and that the season you’re in will change. So, make sure you’re grateful for the things you love about this time and remember that what’s challenging you in this season probably won’t be found in your next seasonal shift.