
12TH JULY 2019 - ASU #194

Have you ever picked up needle and thread only to hear the voice of doubt begin speaking?

Perhaps the voice is telling you that you should be prioritising other things, rather than wasting your time in the pursuit of passion. Maybe it’s telling you that the project you’re putting your needles and threads to extends far beyond what you’re currently capable of. Or maybe it’s speaking uncertainty by way of comparison as you begin to doubt your talent compared to those around you.

Whatever the case may be, we’ve all heard this voice speak at one time or another and sometimes far louder than we ever thought possible!

The cure? Instead of listening to the voice of doubt, we need to begin speaking to it.

We need to tell it in no uncertain terms that the meditative qualities of the push and pull of needle and thread through fabric has benefits that extend far beyond the time we’re ‘wasting’. That our stitching abilities will rise to the challenge that lays before us and that we don’t need to compare our talent to those around us but look only to our own journey and how far we’ve come since we first picked up needle and thread.

So, switch the script and tell yourself you’re capable even when you don’t fully believe it because when you begin to silence the voice of self-doubt that speaks all too loudly all too often, your stitching journey will take you far beyond where you ever thought possible!