
7TH FEBRUARY 2020 - ASU #220

Like many of you, there are those of us at Inspirations who love the clean slate a new year declares. Just thinking of a diary bursting with blank pages waiting to be written on fills us with hope and enthusiasm.

Sometimes, however, the application of achieving what we felt so hopeful and enthusiastic about just a few short weeks ago leaves a little to be desired as ‘real’ life gets in the way!

So, one of the other things we relish at this time of the year is the number of people talking about how they manage their expectations and the ways in which they go about achieving them.

Last week we spoke about the idea of a Habit Calendar and this week we’re unpacking the idea of choosing rhythms over resolutions.

After reading Hannah Brencher’s blog about how she’s changed her ideas about New Year’s resolutions and found a gentler way to approach them, we knew she was onto something!

Instead of feeling the pressure of meeting a finite goal of a resolution that often comes from a place of feeling not good enough, Hannah’s decided to embrace the idea of rhythms.

She’s being intentional about the daily, weekly and monthly rhythms she’s bringing into her life in 2020, ensuring they will help her achieve what’s important to her.

Appreciating priorities can be forgotten all too easily amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, Hannah’s found a way to support them through intentional rhythms, also realising that although she won’t be perfect from the beginning, the great thing about rhythms is that you just try again the next day, week or month.

We think the reason this idea resonated with us is because we appreciate the rhythm of needle and thread and relish the meditative quality this brings to our life. If we can find a meditative rhythm in stitching isn’t it possible we can find the same from our rhythm of life?!

Here’s to each of us finding our rhythm and becoming all we’ve been called to be…