Press Publish
31ST JULY 2020 - ASU #245
Hannah Brencher opened a recent email by describing the qualities of what she calls ‘secret blog keepers’ – ‘These are people who want to write, love to write, and actually *do* write on a regular basis but they keep their words stuffed away in the notes section of their iPhone or in a folder on their computer. They’ve tapped out a countless number of words, but they just can’t seem to press that dreaded button. You know the one… the ‘PUBLISH’ button.’
And that made us wonder, are there stitchers reading this email who could be considered ‘secret design keepers’?!
Whilst not every stitcher who picks up needle and thread aspires to design, we think there are many of you who have tried your hand at a design or two, designs that are yet to see the light of day.
Whilst there may be many a practical reason these designs are still relegated to the page on which they began, Hannah spoke of fear as being one of the main factors in why we don’t move forward with such endeavours. Whilst not minimising its effect, Hannah encouraged us to feel the fear and proceed anyway because on the other side of fear is fruitfulness.
Not only will the fruitfulness we see from our own efforts encourage us to step out of our comfort zone more often, the story behind our newfound fruitfulness may just be what someone else needs to step outside their own comfort zone.
So go on, what are you waiting for? If you’re not quite ready to hit ‘publish’ on that design still languishing on the page on which it began, why not at least take the next step? Share it with someone other than yourself, take it from sketch to fabric or simply lay that first stitch as you move from secret design keeper to designer!
We can’t wait to see what comes of your moving forward…