New Digital Pattern | Roses and Daisies
22ND JANUARY 2021 - ASU #266
We recently received an email from a reader asking about the instructions for a project from an older issue of Inspirations magazine:
‘I bought an embroidery kit from an Estate sale. It was for the design Roses and Daisies from Inspirations issue #35. I was wondering if it is possible to buy a copy of the instructions at all?’
Designed with the beginner stitcher in mind, Roses and Daisies by Rae Wilson and Cathy Gunn is a gorgeous knee blanket which can be completed in no time and will introduce you, if you’ve not already discovered it, to the pleasure of embroidering wool blankets.
The front of the rug is sprinkled with sprays of roses and daisies and the whole blanket is fully lined with a pale pink check twill, bound with matching pink satin. You’ll learn a variety of stitches, as well as the skills to back the blanket and you’re guaranteed to want to do more.
Thanks to our lucky reader who was fortunate enough to find the kit, we have now released Roses and Daisies as a digital pattern available for immediate purchase and download. Get ready to discover the joys of embroidered blankets with this stunning project.