New Book | Fairytale Blankets to Crochet
10TH JULY 2020 - ASU #242
It’s cold! Well, here at Inspirations HQ it’s cold! We envy all of you across the world who are well into summer right now, but we’re shivering away, huddling near the fire at night and peering through the fog in order to get to work in the morning.
Because it is so cold, our minds have turned to blankets, and we have got the perfect book if you’re planning on starting a cosy blanket for that little person in your life. Lynne Rowe’s ‘Fairytale Blankets to Crochet’ is filled with easy-to-hook, corner-to-corner projects which simply explode with cuddle-factor!
It doesn’t matter what they’re into – unicorns, wolves, dragons or princesses, one of these hooded blankets will surely suit. Each project includes a pattern for matching bunting, so the lucky recipient can decorate their room before snuggling down with their blanket and their favourite story.
Any child would be enchanted to receive one of these crocheted blankets, there’s no doubt. But there’s probably an adult or two out there who would be just as eager to cuddle up with a really good book, a hot cup of tea and a snuggly warm fairytale blanket over their knee. Just don’t tell the kids…