New Book - A Tribute to Margaret Light
7TH MARCH 2025 - ASU #466
It’s hard to believe that it’s been just over a year since the great Margaret Light passed away.
At the time, it was a fitting tribute to have one of her projects appear on the cover of the then current issue of Inspirations magazine – after all, the best way we could honour her amazing talent was to show off her stunning embroidery for all to enjoy.
In the same way, Margaret’s husband Jeremy was also looking for a way to honour the remarkable legacy of his late wife and show his appreciation to all the wonderful people in the needlework community who brought such joy and delight to their family over many years.
In response, Jeremy has spent the past 12 months cataloguing all the spectacular projects that Margaret designed and stitched.
He commissioned a professional photographer to capture every piece – over 75 in total – so each one could be documented and preserved.
The result is a book that Jeremy has personally produced and published himself simply titled The Embroidery of Margaret Light, which beautifully captures Margaret’s needlework over the years.
Inside you can delight in a gallery with over 100 pages of close-up photography capturing all of Margaret’s brilliance.
For anyone who had the privilege of knowing Margaret, or perhaps even attended one of her classes, if you’re anything like us you may find that this book is a bit of an emotional roller coaster as you recall memories of Margaret that different projects bring to mind.
Jeremy has produced a wonderful and truly fitting gift for the global needlework community.
While there are no instructions included in this book, it’s extremely rare to find a publication with as many projects, design and inspiration ideas.
Thank you, Jeremy, we know that Margaret would be so proud and we are all eternally grateful.
Copies of the book are now available using the link below.