Milward Cantilever Storage Box
9TH FEBRUARY 2024 - ASU #413
Have you ever had the opportunity to use a Jacob’s ladder toy? It’s one of those amazing pieces of engineering that is akin to voodoo and hard to believe it’s real.
Is it too much of a stretch to consider a cantilever storage box in the same mystical way?
Every time we use one of these new Milward cantilevered wooden storage boxes here at the office, we can’t help but be mesmerised by the beautiful smooth way all these wonderful storage compartments just suddenly appear out of nowhere.
As if by magic, the trays elegantly present themselves, with all your contents neatly stored ready for use.
It’s the best new toy, sorry needlework storage unit, we’ve added to our line up so far this year, so if you’re looking for something really nice to store things, the Milward Cantilever Storage Box is a great option. We love ours!