Just Because

20TH SEPTEMBER 2019 - ASU #204

Hannah Brencher recently invited her community to join her in a different approach to studying the Bible throughout September.

Her invitation went onto declare that: ‘This month is not about speediness, it’s about spending time doing something you love. It’s not about a race, it’s about recharging. You’re simply invited to read the stories of Jesus the same way you’d read a novel – for pleasure.’

After reading her invitation we realised that there are seasons when our time with needle and thread are calling out for exactly the same thing!

Sometimes we find ourselves stitching for a purpose, stitching to meet a deadline or stitching to stretch ourselves and whilst there’s nothing wrong with these, there are times we need to take a step back from such ‘pressures’ and simply stitch for the sheer pleasure it affords us.

It might mean taking on a simpler project than you’d usually complete or producing a sampler for the sole purpose of learning or perfecting a particular stitch. It might entail beginning a project without considering how long it will take to complete or revisiting some UFO’s that just need the final few stitches laid.

Whatever it is for you, we hope you’ll find the time to step back from the pressure you sometimes put on yourself to produce and simply stitch for the absolute pleasure of the meditative push and pull of needle and thread through fabric.