Inspirations #101 Out Now!
8TH FEBRUARY 2019 - ASU #172
We trust you’ve had a relaxing start to the new year and are all rested, ready to go because you’re going to need it! It’s time to strap yourself in as we move 2019 into top gear starting right now with the release of Inspirations magazine issue #101. Your needles are going to wonder what hit them!
All the projects featured in this issue have been pressure tested, run through their paces, survived the rigours and high demands of the world’s best designers and have come out proven winners. How do we know? Because they were all taught by the best of the best at our international needlework convention Beating Around the Bush just a few months ago.
If you ever wondered what it was like to attend the world’s most beautiful needlework convention, now’s your chance to live it vicariously through issue #101 with 8 stunning projects on offer.
We’re talking crewel embroidery, counted work, stumpwork, threadpainting, beading, surface embroidery and more – all at the highest level.
Single issue printed copies are now available from our website, order your #101 today.