Have Your Say
15TH MARCH 2019 - ASU #177
After sharing one of the latest books to come across our desks at Inspirations – ‘A Life Less Ordinary | Interiors and Inspirations’ – in issue #174 of our newsletter HERE, Dina from Montreal, Canada shared how her life is all the richer for the inclusion of antique textiles in her home…
‘Your recent newsletter truly resonated with me — on a couple of fronts. Firstly, the theme of antique textiles: I’ve always loved browsing in antique shops, with folksy pieces and vintage needlework being my weakness. I bought my first sampler at an antique mall in San Antonio some 25 years ago. That started me off on a collection that now numbers close to 100 and covers most of the walls of my condominium.’
‘It was only after I retired a few years back that I decided to try embroidery myself. I joined a local guild, took class after class and got hooked! I enjoy my antique samplers on a whole different level these days.’
‘Secondly, the line quoted from A Life Less Ordinary – Interiors and Inspirations about ‘a very old pair of tiny shoes’ also struck me as I have just such a pair on display in my home. They are a family keepsake that my late husband brought home from England after a visit. They were worn by his father’s sister, little Alice May, before she passed away at three years of age in 1907. Love your newsletter and magazine! Dina Marshall.’
Dina, we love that antique textiles have made not only your home all the richer for their inclusion, but also your life as they prompted you to pick up needle and thread for yourself. And those shoes! What treasure they hold in construction, history and a very personal connection to family.