Have Your Say

14TH APRIL 2023 - ASU #374

Eye Opening

In All Stitched Up! issue #369, Marcia wrote in as she was struggling with a change in eyesight after cataract surgery left her far sighted. Although she’d tried both magnifying glasses and a hands-free headband magnifier, she was yet to find a solution that helped in her time with needle and thread.

The Inspirations Community rose to the challenge as they pointed Marcia in myriad directions.

Whether you’re near or far sighted, or maybe just wish the stitching before you loomed a little larger, we think you’ll find the responses eye opening!

After having cataract surgery herself, Alicia found delicate needlework a little more challenging than it had previously been. In time she ‘found using a magnifier close to the project more helpful than one close to the eyes.’ Alicia found her perfect solution through the Daylight Company.

Mary also found a magnifier provided the solution she needed in her time with needle and thread. Mary purchased a floor lamp and magnifier that has different settings depending on the light intensity required. Sometimes she stitches using both the lamp and magnifier, whilst at other times she just positions the light over the piece she’s working on.

Like Mary, Sandra also found that a floor lamp and magnifier allowed her to keep stitching after cataract surgery. However, as she found them bulky to store and use, found a magnifying lamp based on an Anglepoise Lamp that attaches to a table and has two moveable arms that allows it to be infinitely adjusted to suit the stitching before her.

Since her cataract surgery, Roberta’s eyesight changed for the better allowing her to see well without her glasses in day-to-day life, however needlework remained a challenge. She found that Foster Grant Lighted Reading Glasses, worn over her prescription lenses, made counted work easier no matter how fine the count. Roberta added that, ‘Sometimes lubricating eye drops help to relieve the fatigue and I try not to spend long sessions with needle and thread so I can rest my eyes frequently.’

At a routine eye check, Angela mentioned the challenges she was experiencing with her eyesight to the optometrist. His solution? A pair of glasses just for her time with needle and thread. Angela was surprised to find such a simple solution to what had been a frustrating challenge.

Along similar lines, Eliz suggests Marcia takes a piece of embroidery with her to the optometrist so they can adjust her lenses just so.

Christina’s experience with cataract surgery was that she was prescribed glasses for close work immediately after surgery and wondered if Marcia would benefit from seeing her doctor again to see if a similar solution would work for her.

Ann has found a ‘wardrobe’ of reading glasses works for her. To read she uses +2.50’s, for computer work she needs +1.00’s, and for her time with needle and thread she gets the highest magnification possible! Although this is usually +3.00 or +3.50, Angela did stumble across a very rare pair of +6.00’s which allow her to see even the tiniest of stitches.

Ione wrote in with some words of encouragement for Marcia…

After laser surgery for glaucoma didn’t go according to plan, Ione found her eyes were changing weekly and she was struggling to see anything before her. Eventually though, she found the changes in her eyesight slowed and the right prescription glasses could be found.

‘Your eyes will heal but it takes time. How much, however, varies as we all heal differently.’

Ione recognised how difficult such a time can be as so many of us use our time with needle and thread to work though the difficulties we face. During her recovery, Ione found that trying new techniques was helpful, as instead of being frustrated at the comparison between what she was once able to achieve, she was simply annoyed by the learning process.

We appreciate everyone who took the time to point Marcia in the right direction – who knew there would be so many directions to point her in?! There were so many in fact, that we’re not able to get through them in a single newsletter, so join us next week as we continue to bring you more eye-opening solutions that will help you see the stitches you’re laying all the more clearly.