4TH DECEMBER 2020 - ASU #263
One of the many things 2020 has taught us is the need to be adaptable.
Some of the challenges this year has thrown our way include changes in employment status, the need to pivot the businesses we’re working within, acquiring home schooling know-how, connecting virtually with those we used to do life with in person and being particularly adept at creating meals from under, or less than ideally, stocked pantries.
Inspirations HQ home state of South Australia was recently placed in full lockdown for the first time since the outbreak of COVID-19, and with only 12 hours notice! Talk about the need to be adaptable.
What once would have been an unthinkable situation, we now realise is actually possible. Who knew?! Experience has taught us that we’re more adaptable and capable than perhaps we ever thought possible.
When it comes to our time with needle and thread though, how adaptable are we?
Can we take a requirements list and tweak it to what we have available? Substitute a stitch when we come across something that’s not to our liking or falls outside our current skill set? Are we able to see a project before us and finish it in a completely different way to what’s shown?
Whilst the answers to many of these questions come down to the approach and temperament of the individual, one of the many lessons we can take from 2020 is that being adaptable is a strength that makes not only our lives more bearable, but the needlework before us more possible, no matter what life or needle and thread are throwing at us.