New Book | Modern Kogin

14TH AUGUST 2020 - ASU #247

Kogin embroidery originated in northern Japan during the Edo period which ran from 1603 to 1868. It was developed to help reinforce threadbare fabric, however the wonderfully simple geometric motifs have stood the test of time, and kogin has become a technique very much in favour today.

However, rather than this counted technique being employed for utilitarian purposes, it is now used to decorate a whole range of items from purses to placemats, bookmarks to brooches.

The effectiveness of the result hides just how easy it is to master this technique. All that is required is the ability to count and a basic love of geometry and symmetry.

Originally published in Japan, the book Modern Kogin has now been fully translated and contains all of the patterns and instructions to make a range of featured items, including all of the steps to successfully construct each project.

Inside you’ll learn how to prepare the thread and fabric and how to read a kogin chart. It won’t take long to master the basics, so you’ll be embarking on one of the 25 included projects in no time.

If you’re after a project which is modern, easy to do and wonderfully versatile, then look no further than Modern Kogin by Boutique-Sha.

Modern Kogin

Modern Kogin

